The Importance of "Home Environment" in the Learning Process
Since I have been involved in Education field, as a future teacher, since 2005; I have been wondering how important the role of parents is , and also the home environment. Since my mother was the one who took care of me, and my pieces of homework, I always believed that parents are crucial during the learning process. However, I never thought that it was such a big deal, and that their importance was the critical point if we consider the following features: Communication about school, Supervision and Expectations and Parenting Style (Marzano, Robert J., 2003. What Works in Schools, Translating research into Practice, Chapter 13, Home Environment).
Owing to I have been involved in Teaching Shadowing for almost a week, "Home Environment" issue has been in my mind more than any other issue that I can recall. Today, Andrea, the teacher of the ELD (English Language Development) class at the school where I am doing my student teaching program, talked about th

I really want to learn more about "Home environment" due to its high relevance in learning process. I also have my own beliefs, but I also know that it must be supported by research, and I do not want my opinions based on beliefs.
I strongly believe if parents have a good communication with the school where their child or children are attending, Parents will have more chances to see how their kids are doing and help them if it is necessary. But, have you ever consider that may be the parents do not speak the language of the school or perhaps they have no idea what their kids are reading or writing? That is my point. I would really want to know how to help these families.
After the points that I made above, I found these websites for teacher to see how they can help theirstudents.§ion=introduction&page=importance
-This website gives teacher a lot of information about the connections between home and school. Not only the good things, but also the problems such us Language Barriers.

-This website gives teacher a lot of information about the connections between home and school. Not only the good things, but also the problems such us Language Barriers.
-This website shows a piece of a research where it is explain how home and school connections work.
I believe that the two resources that I showed above can be very useful, if you want to know the importance of the connections between home and school. So, I recommend teachers to read through, and find out what is missing in their class so that it can be more effective.
I believe that the two resources that I showed above can be very useful, if you want to know the importance of the connections between home and school. So, I recommend teachers to read through, and find out what is missing in their class so that it can be more effective.
I have a question...
the thing is that the errors that you pointed out were made in the previous post (What are some barriers to teachers to teach English in a way that's motivating to students now? ), and not in the one that it was supposed to be evaluated (Reflexion 1 - Response to a Question about English Teaching)
So, if you took off 0.5 it was from the previous post and not for the one that corresponds!
I'll respond to your comment in an email. But--in commenting on this post: You did a wonderful job examining the problematic issue of how to get parents and schools communicating well. I wasn't able to open your first link (it is broken perhaps?) but the second link to the toolkit is very very good. Nicely done! (See email for followup to your question).
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