-I think that a good web page to see Podcast is one that I found in Gina's Blog.
This web site gives a lot of Podcasts that can be useful as for teacher or students. I would really like to use this web page since, I think it is and easy and good way to learn English through the computer.
-I would really like to suggest a Podcast that I found in the web page above, because it helps to learn something very easy and common, "Sayng good bye". It can be helpful if the students learn more than one way of saying good bye.
Looking up on the net, I found out a very interesting web site, where you can learn Spanish through podcasts. The good things, that it has different levels of learning.
I recommend this web page for beginners.
Here is the main link to look up for your right Spanish level
I think that a good podcast for my future students would be one that they can feel comfortable with. I think if the students feel comfortable in terms of the topic, the images, according to them, they will be more interested in what the podcast is saying or showing.
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