Monday, September 1, 2008

"Reflexion 2"-"Internet and Young Learners"

Language Learning & Technology
September 2006, Volume 10, Number 3
pp. 44-48
Reeviw by Cameron Richards, University of Western Australia


The text that I read is a review of a book called "The internet and young learners", written by Cameron Richards. In the first part of the review we can see a reference to the main objective of the book that is to link language learners to the students, especially young learners, which are students between 7 and 15 years old. Besides, the author remarks the facts that many children know about the basic fuctions of ICT (Information and Communication Technology).
Then, we have a overlook the four sections of the book and its brief content.
The book have a short section called "Communication", and in this section we can see the importance of authentic online audience in order to motivate young learners.. In this section is also possible to find out a description of each activity that it is in the section.
In the section three od the book, we can find the main point of the book, and remarks an important activity that makes the main goal even more important, because incluedes researches and other kind of things related to the main point.
There is a section similar to the section two, called "Web and Creation", that reviews the activities that engage students to writing tasks.
The author also gives his opinion writing that the books does not give instruction on how to create a web page, neither for students nor for teachers. However, the book gives webhosting like On the other hand the book says that if the students have problems creating a web page, they have to make a powerpoint presentation instead, but again the books does not explain how to make a powerpoint presentation. However, remarks the fact that many children may know about this technology.
At the end of the book there is a list of useful webpages related to education and other important things.


I think that this review is a good help to make a decision on what we want to do with our students and how.
Books can be very useful in terms of giving a guide to teacher or students to work on the internet, but they may not keep in mind what is really important for teacher or students, for example, giving clear instruction on how to work with an especific software or internet resource.
I think that sometimes books make things a litlle bit complicated if it is not writing clearly, because we want things understandable either for students and teachers.

1 comment:

Nina said...

very good reflexion....well done!!!!